Road to Health and Wellness

ronda-rousey-do-nothing-bitchRecently I heard a quote from Rhonda Rousey about not being a Do Nothing B!tch and I was inspired. I think I realized- I have recently become a DNB.

I am imparting on a journey I’m not 100% sure I’m ready for- weight loss and health. I once told a trainer, I know I am going to do this at some point, why not start today? I have to take action2011-10-25_08-41-09_700portrait

Part of my target is not worrying too much about the weight number. I am more concerned about how I feel health-wise and how I feel and look in my clothes. I think gaining this weight has helped me learn to appreciate the times I looked good but felt bad about my body image anyway.

I have always been slim. I was skinny as a kid and other than an awkward stage in my teens, I’ve looked slim throughout my life. I lost a healthy amount of weight in my late 20s and felt great! Although I gained some back, I still looked good and felt good.

20150422_092936It was around the time the stock market crashed I began turning to alcohol to relax. Now I’m 44 years old and According to most  calculators, I am about 50-60 pounds overweight! I don’t think I can lose that much, however, I am targeting somewhere around 40 so that my BMI can get back to the 18-25 range.

Right now I am not exercising regularly and I have a drinking problem. I have aches and pains I want to minimize. I am embarrassed to admit what I weigh.

My initial goals are to:

  • Commit myself to the Fast Metabolism Diet and stick to it as closely as I possibly can
  • Start doing yoga againwellness
  • Walk every day for at least 30 minutes
  • Cut off alcohol completely for at least a month, possibly forever
  • Drink 10-12 glasses of water a day.

So here I am on January 5th, 2016, 40-60 pounds overweight depending on what calculator you use.

Disclaimer- I am not saying that people with similar body types are ugly and need to lose weight. I am saying I need to get healthy and I approximate for myself that I will lose around 40 pounds to accomplish this. Wish me luck!

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